Progressive Democrat
for WI Dist. 18

U.S. Congresswoman Gwen Moore
Evan Goyke, WI State Rep.
District 18 - INCUMBENT
City Attorney, Milwaukee (newly elected)
WI State Senator LaTonya Johnson
WI State Rep. Supreme Moore Omokunde
WI State Rep. Christine Sinicki
Milwaukee Common Council, Ald. Jonathan Brostoff
Milwaukee Common Council, Ald. Sharlen Moore
Milwaukee Common Council President, Ald. José Pérez
Milwaukee Common Council, Ald. JoCasta Zamarripa
Milwaukee County Clerk, George L. Christenson
Milwaukee County Register of Deeds, Israel Ramón
Wauwatosa School Board, Lynne Woehrle
Kathy Ehly - former Mayor of Wauwatosa
Community Members:
Antonio Butts
Genyne Edwards
Atty. Susan Hansen
Dr. Ann Helms
Walter Lanier
Martha Love
Dr. Kristin Lyerly
Dr. Jeanette Mitchell
Meagan O’Reilly
Jeff Roznowski
Margaret Michele
Dedicated to our Wisconsin seniors
Dedicated to strong public schools
100% Pro-choice
100% Pro-union
Rufus King High School
Harvard University, BA cum laude
University of Chicago, MA
Wauwatosa Neighborhood Association Council, President
Wauwatosa Senior Commission
Equity and Inclusion Commission, Vice Chair

Margaret ARNEY
"We need leaders that protect Wisconsin's best asset - our citizens. I pledge to fight for IVF and reproductive healthcare rights, and protect our environment as a loud advocate for our parks and wild spaces. I am a Wisconsin mom, and a proud supporter of our schools, and the neighborhoods that make our wider Milwaukee-area family uniquely blessed."
100% Pro-union
Unions are the backbone of the Wisconsin success story. It is time for politicians in Madison to stop attacking the rights of working families. Strong unions build our infrastructure, and lead in maintaining our health and thriving communities.
100% Pro-choice
Wisconsin is the focus of the U.S. Senate and Presidential elections coming in November 2024. Now is the time to fight hard to restore reproductive rights for EVERY Wisconsinite, and create a system with true access to affordable, quality healthcare statewide.